Episode Title: "Bulaklak"
In today's life story is about an extraordinary love triangle of a beautiful young girl that captures the hearts of two different men. Manuela (Bangs Garcia) is the beautiful young and kind hearted young girl from the town Saranggani. Manuela,who is very kind and friendly easily captures the attention of her close friend - Isyot (Rodjun Cruz). Isyot courted Manuela for such a long time and he finally got Manuela to say yes to him. Manuela is happy being with Isyot and then she met the chief of police - Manuel (Gabby Concepcion). Manuel is attracted to Manuela's strong and appealing beauty. Manuel courted Manuela even thou Manuela is younger than him. So with Isyot, he did not know tht Manuela is having another affair with someone else. And so with Manuel, he do believed that Manuela is loyal to him. They both proposed to Manuela and with this, who is Manuela going to choose? Will it be Isyot or Manuel?
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Views: 413 |
Author: Yeth S. |
Added by: allen |
Date: 2011-03-27